We plan to implement an efficient algorithm to count the number of triangles parallelly on a GPU. Also compare the performance of our implementation with the reference implementation and previous 15-418 implementation of the students.


Graphs can be used to model interactions between entities in a broad spectrum of applications. Graphs can represent relationships in social media, the World Wide Web, biological and genetic interactions, co-author networks, citations, etc. Therefore, understanding the underlying structure of these graphs is becoming increasingly important, and one of the key techniques for understanding is based on finding small subgraph patterns. The most important such subgraph is the triangle.

Many important measures of a graph are triangle-based, such as the clustering coefficient and the transitivity ratio. The clustering coefficient is frequently used in measuring the tendency of nodes to cluster together as well as how much a graph resembles a small-world network. The transitivity ratio is the probability of wedges (three connected nodes) forming a triangle.

So, our code with take a graph G as input and output a single integer which would represent the number of distinct triangles present in the graph. Previously, many sequential algorithms have been implemented to solve this problem. We are planning to implement a parallel algorithm which will run on GPUs to solve this problem.


t has never been simple to solve the problem of counting the number of triangles, moreover not so exciting doing it in O(n^3) and O(3xn) space. There are many implementations available using techniques such as map-reduce, GraphLab, etc.

Our reference paper claims to have a very efficient implementation, using subgraph matching to a triangle pattern, in recent times and we will try to have our own implementation of their algorithm and beat their performance as well as the similar previous years 15-418 projects.

As mentioned, our biggest challenge would be to optimize the authors algorithm further and also optimize the memory usage, the most tricky part would be the communication part between the cores computing the subgraphs.



Plan to achieve

Hope to achieve